Questionable transactions at Pan Trinbago?

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There are questions about questionable transactions at Pan Trinbago, and a former vice president says there needs to be a change in the executive for the organisation to move forward. Documents obtained by CNC3 also raise questions about the acquisition of luxury vehicles. read more

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  • The National instrument of Trinidad and Tobago...the Steelpan.....the constituency of Pan people....and the Largest grassroots organization in the Caribbean.......and the World Governing Body of SteelPan ....are mired in a controversy of allegations of unprecedented levels of greed, corruption, self aggrandizement and control for power.....of the Corporate Body....Pan Trinbago Inc.....a private entity incorporated by

    Those who live in glass houses ought not to throw highly elected office holders in this movement,.they ought to know better....but in reality as Winston Churchill once opined, "Power corrupts...and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

    Plenty plenty more shall be unfolding.....the evidence appears not to be circumstantial...every story have 3 sides...the defendant version, the appellant version and de God-awful truth...

    I suppose that NCC Chairman & Accountant are watching; TT Customs & Excise watching, GORTT Ministers of Culture; Finance; and Foriegn Affairsand the Hon. Dr. PM also watching,...TTPS Fraud Squad, British Scotland Yard, and Interpol may also be watching....

    .I will leave it right there for now...and continue to pray for and hold on tight to my beloved national instrument......coming from out of this dark time.,.into the light
  • Well you know, we like it so. For eons the pan players have been complaining about Pan Trinbago but none has done anything about it. These people do not vote themselves into power.

    On the other hand 160,000$ seems a small price to pay for two luxury vehicles, but the 50,000$ for rims and tires seems questionable.

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