Ramajay - Kalomo Kings (1990) - Annise 'Haffers' Hadeed (Composer and Arranger)

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Panorama 1990 Kalomo Kings playing Ramajay - composed and arranged by Annise 'Haffers' Hadeed.

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  •  haffers is greatly underestimated even with all the jazzy and funky parts

     well he came out the university of phase 2

  • Good job Haffers.

  • Nutten to do with Boogsie, just a great piece of music by 'Haffers'.

  • An all time classic.

  • Mr. Laughlin, as a steelpan music lover all my life, I do appreciate a good piece of music when I hear it such as Ramajay..seems that you are an expert on Boogsie's parts. Are there any of his parts on sale? If so, can you tell me where?

  • plenty boogsie parts in there

  • What a GRAND PERFORMANCE . Thanks.

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