Real Contrast - Never Too Much London 2011

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Real Contrast play "Never Too Much" by Luther Vandross in Trafalgar Square London. August 2011

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  • Len B Sharpe,Jit Samaroo,K Philmoore, the other Professional arrangers and  the Original Professional Steepan Tuners,  would they ever be honoured by the relevant authority by the given  name Sir,,,, or one of the highest honours of T & T ,,would it be when they are all dead,, don ded aredy,,a dead person has no uses for such,,now is the time,,i,ve said it before and have done it again,,,,,OPPORTUNITY WOULD NOT ONLY BE GIVEN TO THOSE THAT ARE HAVING ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS  ALONE,,  BUT TO THOSE ALSO WHOM ARE HAVING THE  THE ABILITY TO LEARN AND  TO PERFORM,,THIS IS THE OPPORTUNE MOMENT,,if nobody ain,t understand,,this is it in small change,,,Sir Len B Sharpe,,,,Sir Jit Samaroo,,,Sir Professor K Philmore ah know somebody must like the one for Ken Philmore,,and so the list must go on with the,,,, Sirs,,,,for Billy jean,  Len B Sharpe,, big up,, prima.
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