ReddeemeR - Carnival Messiah

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Created by Geraldine Connor Executive Producer David Lascelles Co-executive Producer Terry Suthers Filmed & Edited by Ashley Karrell Carnival Messiah at Harewood This work is a Caribbean re-visioning of Handel's oratorio. The musical combines Handel's music with the imagery of Trinidad's Carnival and other ritualistic practices to tell the story of Christ -- from his birth to his resurrection. A 1,000-seater big-top in the grounds of Harewood House is the venue for a re-staging of Carnival Messiah during September 2007. It will be a symbolic commemoration of the Bicentenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade. The backdrop of Harewood House, built in the mid-18th century with money made from the sugar trade, brings a special resonance to Carnival Messiah. The production has its origins in the chaos and colour of carnival in Trinidad and Tobago, and Leeds. ReddeemeR is an excerpt from the second half of show. - Watch more

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  • What a superb performance by Ronald Samm.  Moving, inspirational, perfection. I remember him so well from his CIC days being tutored by the one and only Lindy Ann Bodden- Ritch.  Great legacy of Geraldine also.  Never tire of looking at this.

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