Reggae Pan Classics Volume 1

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The album is a great fusion of Caribbean Cultures: Trinidad meets Jamaica, a fusion of the Steelpan sound on top of Reggae music, with touches of Jazz rifts,...

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  • The album is a great fusion of Caribbean Cultures: Trinidad meets Jamaica, a fusion of the Steelpan sound on top of Reggae music, with touches of Jazz rifts, make's this music a new vibration of cross over music that appeals to all generations and races. Reggae Pan Classics is an album that can be played comfortably at any occasion, ideal for barbeques, and party's, as well as for chilling & relaxing.
    CD Track List 
    1. One Love

    2. Help me make it

    3. I'm Still in Love

    4. Kingston Town

    5. Always on my Mind

    6. Three Little Birds

    7. Everything I Own

    8. My Boy Lollipop

    9. One Drop

    10. Red Red Wine.

    11. Dubarama Panyard Jam

    12. Give Me D Ting

    13. Bumcy Party

    To order your CD please visit
    or call +44 (0) 7799442277
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