Reggae Steelpan Mix CD'S

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The Steel pan is a beautiful creation originated in Trinidad & Tobago in the late 19.30's and is the only orchestral family of acoustic musical instrumen...

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  • The Steel pan is a beautiful creation originated in Trinidad & Tobago in the late 19.30's and is the only orchestral family of acoustic musical instruments to be invented in the 20th century. With instruments ranging from low bass to high sopranos, all made out of the same raw material (oil drums) makes this invention a magnificent achievement for people of Trinidad & Tobago who went through the struggles of being beaten up and locked up by the police for their love to develop this new musical sound.
    The colonial rulers were against the beating of drums, singing and dancing, so they successfully brain washed many of the upper-class people of society to look down on these special artistic talents the African descendents carried. Strangely enough many of the people of the Caribbean and British born west Indians, Afro Americans still have strong elements of this kind of colonial thinking still imbedded in there actions. Many times you have to explain to people that the Steel pan is a musical instrument not a form of music.Reggae Pan Classics 1 and II is the perfect example of using the Steelpan instrument to blend in with different styles of music. 

    Reggae Pan Classics By The Mighty Jamma mixed and produced by Barry MACKADUB Stewart at Green Beat music. Is a blend of Steelpan Reggae in a fusion were Jamaica meets Trinidad .
    for more information on purchasing these album please visit
    or you can call Hearts Aglow Records on 07799442277
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