Remembering Sundowners 2

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Memories of some of sundowners favourite Boleros from the old days produced by Ralph "belve" Ryce in my basement Softly Awakes My Heart "Samson & Delilah"

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  • Do you have anything during the days they were at Sukeran Street in Les Efforts West. I think the band was under a guy's house by the name of Kendrick (not too sure) I played with them during that time

  • A beautiful piece with such rich tone from back then. I remember Palms Club.

  • Hey Belve, this is such a great song , I believe every pan player played this song at some point in their life I remember Benji did a really nice arrangement for us when I was with Gondoliers . Lets hear some more selections .
  • Thanks Belve for this has surely Awaken my Heart to the Sweet Music that the "Downers" gave us. Eagerly awaiting what's to come.

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