Remembering sundowners 3

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Just another of my Sundowners Project This tune is not mastered just Raw tracks hope it sounds ok created in my basement Ralph " belve" Ryce

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  • There is a cadre of Artiste, steeped with the pedigree of musical substance,which can be  a shot in the arm for these  Pan classical ambassadors, I urge you and your fraternity,put you heads together, their is an awakening of the Bach- like history in your evolution, even if you begin in a limited touring circuit, and the concert program, is configuered to reach lovers of the artform, benefits will accrue in porportion.

  • Hey , Belve , you still have the touch brother , what do you think about a group of us putting on a concert one of these days whether here or in the U.S.? We can call it The Way we were or something similar . Well , what do you fellow panists think of this idea ?
  • I remember Kelvin Hart  A real classy captain , arranger and what a player  He  edged me out in the 1962 I think music festival  Ping-Pong solo competition he took First Place and I placed second  however lucky for me  he left for England the following year and that's when I pounced Taking first place in 1963 Governor General Trophy


    Thanks folks for the comments I have more to come  I hope some of you guys who still play and have  pans will do some stuff and post. Some of us are seniors but can sill play   One never forget to play a pan once you have learned it

    Just use your basement that will do.

  • Thanks Belve for another enjoyable piece. It has a nice Tempo, nice Tonal quality and overall it reaches out to you. Please keep them coming.

  • I played this Ave Maria (bach) in calypso tempo many years ago with City Syncopators, the arranger was Kelvin Hart (deceased) That's why I love this tune so much.   

  • Great piece, well arranged and executed. I enjoyed it. This tune is one of my favorites, as a result listening it made my day. Thanks Ralph.
  • This home made project, once more market the tremendous opportunities that Artiste, such as  shared with us. so the market can be segmented for small concert type opportunities, featuring the range of the muiscal landscape for the pan  player/ arranger./ bon vivant. Congratulation.



  • Nice tune Ralph Ave Maria(bach), this is my favorite

  • Hi Ralph , I guess I opened a pandira's box with this real name issue , the only point I was trying to make is that if I'd didn't use my real name and profile my friends who I knew since my teenage years would have never known it was me . I am ok if others don't want to post their real names but I am glad I did . The Ave Maria is re good . Remember when Larry De Boulet did it for Gondoliers in the sixties ? Say hi to your wife for me . Blessings , Winston .
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