Roaming by Pelham Goddard performed by the East - West Percussion Ensemble

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Iowa Percussion performs their adaptation of Pelham Goddard's Roaming. This tune showcases the Iowa Percussion East — West Percussion Ensemble during their performance at PASIC 2013 as winners of the World Percussion Ensemble Competition. Roaming takes the listener on a musical journey starting with some "classical" music from Europe then proceeds through Africa, China, India, Jamaica, the good ole USA, and finally lands in Trinidad and Tobago just in time for carnival! This was a major project for us, Dr. Moore arranged all the percussion parts to take advantage of the many different styles of music that we study. The Chinese percussion interlude is a traditional composition titled Duck Quarrel that was taught to us by Professor Jiao Shan Lin of the China Conservatory in Beijing. The East — West Percussion Ensemble is part of Iowa Percussion from the University of Iowa and is directed by Dan Moore.

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