Roaring Lion singing Lion Oh accompanied by Hell Yard 1940

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This is the very first recording of Pan Music and it is the Hell Yard Steel Band accompanying"The Roaring Lion" Mr.Raphael De Lion in February of 1940. The P...

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  • Great history of the past , does anyone have any videos of The Lord Invader he was a good friend of my dad 's. he wrote Rum and Coca Cola and the Andrew Sisters made it a big hit without his permission . They settled with him and he moved to NY until his death. . His nick name was Boboy .
  • This is priceless
  • Priceless, I heard my father talk about Joe Priga a stick fighter, in those days.
  • Bede i really hope it does for we need to know so much more about this Magical Instrument the Pan.

  • this recording might open up the History of PAN, its deeper than we thought,

  • Just had to listen again. Classic!

  • Pan come ah longgggg way boi.

  • THANKS !

  • Historic!

  • First time hearing this piece, Steve. It was before Bede (and yuh know he old) so it was before me also :).

    Some of the names mentioned are legendary Trinidad badjohns and stickmen of that era, names like Willy Dolly, Joe Pringay, and Cut-outer.


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