RUDY KING - the Man who introduced Steelpan to America

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The year was 1949, and the music scene in America would never be the same. That is the year that Rudy King, aka 'Rock' and 'Rudolph Carter' - (to those who knew him as a young boy/man in his native Trinidad) came to America, bringing with him the knowledge of manufacturing and playing the instrument now known worldwide as the Steelpan. click for more

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  • I still remember break-nose-carl, busby, kim loy, and everybody else that rudy named. They also knew me. and I knew them. At the age of 77 I am no longer active as a player although i have a tenor at home that i play evry now and then. ( R.I.P.  Shay)   Tahzann


  • I knew Rudolf King well. He was one of the nicest guys you could ever meet. I was fortunate to be the first American born person to play in his band( Trinidad Parents). His nick name for me was "Tahzann" I played tenor along side Rudy until I left in 1953 to join the Marine Corps. I was replaced on tenor by another good friend of mine

    by the name of Junior Benjamin, Back in those days we practiced in Mount Morris Park in Harlem or in Rudolfs apartment. Some of the members of the band were Clyde Holder, Clyde Critclow, & a Puerto Rican name  Julio on maracas I can not remember who played the doo dupp. I will neaver forget him. He was my mentor.

    When I First learned to play a tenor, I learned myself playing with only one stick because that was what my cousin gave me when he arrived here from T'dad. He bought the pan up with him and gave it to me.

    The first time i met Rudy, the band was practising in the park. It was the first time I had actually saw a band.

    When i told Rudy that I had a tenor, he invited me to join the band. He then taught me to play with two sticks

    Those were the good old days.  Carlton (Tahzann) Munroe

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