Sailing Pandemonium - 1988 Steelband Panorama

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Panorama 1988 finals, arranger Clive Bradley. posted by Clive Seebaran

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  • I never heard this one before, it's very nice and a great arrangement!!!! Sends chilly bumps through my body! OMG such super runs and jams. I gotta defer to Sandra L. Blood's comment about the speed of playing, it would no doubt be better a bit slower...very hard to do on Finals Night, I would imagine.

  • I remember their semi final performance and wondering what went wrong on final night,  I always talk about that  performance  and yes it is one of the panorama classics.

  • Well 'Pat,' thanks for the sailing-at-sea presentation of our Sailing by Trini and arranged by the one and only...CB.

    I played one of the nine-basses that year, that year having been my 14th year as a pannist. I actually pulled the on-stage version on Youtube and wow...were we a bunch of skinny people. Lol!

    I thoroughly enjoyed the semi-final performance having been part of the winning team but the tune was played just a bit too fast for our final-night delivery shutting us down to third place, and one thing pannists and most arrangers must clearly understand is that in competition for a final performance, competitors must be dead spot-on. There's no room for error and judges discard all what was heard in the previous deliveries both mentally and written.

    That too-fast performance -- as we were aware based on how much faster our hands were flying on the instruments -- cost us dare as it did not afford the sweet, dynamic parts to be well-executed, but I am of the view, the work of musical art remains a winning composition and rendition -- possibly a signature tune like All Stars' Woman on the Bass and Despers' Rebecca -- and it should be brought back to life. Love, Sandra L Blood, Renegades.

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