San Fernando City Council Military Tattoo - 23/11/2014 - Trinidad & Tobago

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San Fernando concludes City Week in grand style @ Skinner Park. The Military Tattoo is the first of its kind in T&T & by extension the Caribbean.

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  • Niice effort.

    May not be the first in the Caribbean though.

    I was in Jamaica in 2012, when, as part of their 50th anniversary celebrations, they staged in July, a military tattoo. It was good.

    They also stated, I think, that it was their second tattoo in recent years!

    Incidentally, when was this? It may not be the first in the Caribbean. I was in Jamaica in 2012 when, as part of their 50th anniversary, they staged a military tatoo. I T WAS VERY GOOD. nD i HEARD THEM ANNOUCE 

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