Sesame Flyers - Pan in New York - WST Video Special

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This is the video special of Sesame Flyers Orchestra playing "Pan Army" as captured by Basement Recordings days before the 2010 panorama. Go to to experience other bands captured for the Pan in New York cd project. Other bands include Sonatas, Despers USA, Crossfire, D'Radoes and Pantonic.

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  • Sounds great! But we played "Pan Army" not "D Last Band."
  • Spirit of happening!Gongratulations for the Sesame Flyers Players with other Steel-Pan Orchestra,there from NY.First was "Heat-Event",of course in the Trinidad&Tobago Panorama.also other Caribbean area`s.Then happen from Notting Hill/Europe and last New York/U.S.A.So what next/Where?How about East-Side-Earth and maybe somedays like a Final of Years:Especially in the "Mama-Africa-Land"?
    Tomorrow is allways little bit better!We wait.......
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