Silver Stars - It's showtime - Panorama Prelims night 2011

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Silver Stars

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  • Absolutely Awesome
  • just a set of chromatics without any sweetness whatsoever.
  • I must admit although the arrangement contains a lot energy, it also contains the same phrases from the last two years (if it ain't broke don't fix it sort of thing). I know i'm not the only one hearing this, am I?
  • Bukka your observations are right on target; Sidd, I agree with your analysis and general conclusions.  The refined, skilled approach to playing seems to have escaped this new version of the band especially during the panorama competition.  Aesthetically it has been a challenge. 
  • Silver Stars Sound Shining! All the time,that`s good....................
  • It's going to be a thrilla',not in Manila,in the Savannah. It's Showtime - All Stars and Silver Stars.

    The winner, all lovers of the sweet music of pan.

    There are a lot more surprises to come from these two bands. After all,this is just the preliminaries.

  • I expected them not to reveal an introduction yet, since they for the past two years they've had "memorable introductions" ... nonetheless, even if this is just simply a prelim performance this song does need work..
  • Correction: 100 players is the requirement for the Prelims, 120 players for Semi-Finals and Finals.
  • Look...may be I'm missing something here but if this is the sound they are coming with 120 players what will happen on Finals night with the 100 player requirement...I guess the theatrics will fill the void. Lets see what happens in the Semi-Finals.
  • I agree with Rony Perry. I'm not going to judge the sound on any of these preliminary videos. In some cases camera position and audio sensitivity obviously affects the sound.

    i think the arrangement is quite good, but is obviously a preliminary arrangement.

    Anyone who thinks Edwin is finished with this arrangement is fooling himself.

    I expect a lot more work from Edwin Pouchet before the finished product.

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