Skiffle Bunch - Love is a Many Splendored Thing

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Skiffle Bunch Steel Orchestra performs "Love is a Many Splendored Thing."

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  • The Pan is a many Splendored Thing !!!

  • Despers own was sweeter the bass an them was humming just listen to the tone of despers pan does put u in another frame of mind
  • To each his own. I prefer this one.

  • Nice.but Desperadoes version is much better..especially the phrasing.

  • Brenda, you are so right. BEAUTIFULLLL!!!!!!!

  • Forever! Love is a Many Splendored Thing.......
  • What a uplifting song in Steel/ nice job
  • Not to be critical, but, missing one phrase. I kept waiting for the "Change Key" that never came. NICE ****
  • Love this tune.

    Perfect J'ourvert morning/ las' lap steelband tempo from the old days.

    Heard Despers playing this same tune on the road several years ago, and it sounded just as good.

    This is the type of tune that beautifully adapts to the steelband and the calypso tempo.

    Great music!
  • This is what you call a good slow jam. Excellent tune by Skiffle Bunch. This reminds you of Jouvert Morning when the sun rises and the heat hits you. This slow jam is is a good cooling down tune before one hits the beach for a reviver. Great! Just great!a
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