Skiffle Steel Orchestra - Panorama 2013 in Pictures

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Skiffle Steel Orchestra in pictures as captured by Robbie Joseph of Pan Podium - Panorama 2013. click for more on Skiffle.

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  • Ian, I listened to the entire program and although it was a bit too short it was interesting. I agree with Bobby when he said that the arrangements today stray too far from the actual melody. I also think that its time that there is a Test Piece so that the Bands would have one tune in common so it would become easier to judge and also add variety to the Panorama . Remember the year the Bands played on Final Night " Is Paris Burning", although this was a separate adjudication that had nothing to do with the Panorama results it did add quite a lot of excitement to the show. My regards to you and the Family. Thanks.

  • Hello Steve,

                          You sound like a real poet (lol). Did you get a chance to listen to Radio 91.9 last Saturday morning?

    Thanks again for your support.

  • May those Brilliant Rays that emanate from Ray illuminate the Pan World for many years again. Thanks Mr. Holman for your sterling contributions.

  • Congratulations to Skiffle, and these are some of Ray Holman's  milestones. (1) Ray may be the first pannist that composed music that can be still heard today; his composition "Ray's Saga" was done in 1960 for Invaders. (2)  In 1964, he won the Soloist Category, and is the first past winner to also arrange a winning panorama piece. (3) In 1972, Ray became the first one to compose, arrange and place at panorama. (4) He helped in making Starlift, the only Steel Orchestra to qualify for the first 11 Panorama Finals, 1963 through 1973.  (5) Ray is the only arranger to garner 6 top-three from 1963 to 1973. (6) He is also the first arranger to win panorama with a band and later in 1976, place another band in the top-three. (7) He is the only arranger that qualified a band in 1963, and 50 Panorama finals later, qualify another band. (8) Mr. Ray Holman is the the only arranger to qualify 8 different Steel Orchestras in all 6 decades.

  • Thank you Robbie Joseph !  Very nice.

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