Skiffle Steelband Project: Intercultural Learning in an International Organ - SEMSEC March 11, 2016

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Conference entitled SEMSEC:- Society for Ethnomusicology, South East & the Caribbean Chapter Host: The Skiffle Steel Orchestra Project:- Intercultural Learningin an International Organisation. Participants include: Junia Regrello,Joshua Regrello,Dr. Jeff Jones, Rheanne Edwards, Brea Marshall, Alex Dagher, among others.

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  • Hi Junia what a scoop Think this is your latest bomb. Look forward to your putting ths psychology of pan yards on the Map Will talk further it sounds like a really interesting life long project . Look forward to Joshua making the inroads he spoke to when he was knee high to a grasshopper.Blessings Judith

  • Positive vibes Skiffle!!!

    Cecil stop beating ah dead horse!!!

  • Going in the right direction

  • Cecil, yuh mean making people part of the steelband experience.......again? Can't argue with that.
  • Well said Cecil.

  • The Skiffle organization is the most forward thinking steelband in the Mecca, Mr Regrello is a true visionary and the future looks bright for Skiffle world wide.

    I would like to see Mr Regrello work towards having steelbands on the road again [rolling on the ground] because of it's history, it was created for this purpose. It will take someone like Mr Regrello to convince the Steelband fraternity in the Mecca of the need to return to It's former glory days.   

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