SMH - North Stands posse getting ready for - Panorama 2014

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A look at the people in the North Stands during Trinidad's panorama. "We return to the North Stand this year to done the place like we did in 2013..."

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  • North stand not about steelband anymore??  I remember being up there for many Panoramas  semis and finals,  and it was all about PAN, supporting the bands you knew the arrangements for many bands, your gave them your all and the vibe was wonderful. Then you followed your band out when they were done, pushed them a ways and sometimes I  returned to hear the others. Arguments, laughter, little drinking , lots of fun, lots of support. North stand used to rock, we made the stands move.  Are we sidelining the pan, steelband, the pannists and all that was created . Sad!

  • So these are the future pan players the minister and Pan Trinbago officials are talking about. LMAO... 


  • I recall in the early `70`s when we started the block-o-ramas in different pan yards...First it was only pan sides

    Then some band invited a DJ to fill the gap between bands then went to the DJ ending up the Block-O.

    It eventually turned out that people were only coming late to hear the DJ ( Fatman George and company).

    There is some irony with this Greens party on Panorama Cecil puts it it about Pan or drinking for panorama.

  • I'am pretty sure if you ask the people on that side what band they backing they may not know or even what band win they won't know. They should hold this on another day and pay the bands to come and play for the event, 

    If am correct their was an issue I think a year with a band playing and the dis playing still.

  • Panorama is about drinking or pan?

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