Snarky Puppy feat. Lalah Hathaway - Something (Family Dinner - Volume One)

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Check this out from the 6:00 mark... 6:12 This is not pan, but Lalah Hathaway does something that few in the world can do. She executes a chord through vocals... "Something" from Snarky Puppy's live DVD/CD - "Family Dinner - Volume One" available for purchase at

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  • OMG.... WOW!! Vocal chords??  Lalah is smoking!!  What a mesmerizing, intoxicating piece. Her vocals are outstanding. It's like some angels came down and joined her to create the harmony of chords that came out of her mouth. Anytime musicians, singers and techs that you are working with are amazed by your talent to the point of cheers, applause and a standing ovation during recording.... you are AWESOME INDEED!!!

    Thanks for sharing this --- OMG

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