Sparrow In Steel (1968 - 1970)

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1. 1968 Harmonites - Mr Walker 2. 1968 Cordettes - Mr Walker 3. 1968 Cordettes – Wood In de Fire 4. 1968 Cordettes – Carnival In 68 5. 1969 Invaders- Pussy C...

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  • Cordettes' tonal quality back in the 60s is undeniably extremely high in quality. Credit for that sound must be attributed to tuner Joseph "Pox" Roseman, arranger Paul Campbell under the astute management of Aldwyn "Chowlee" Chow Lin On.

  • Ladies and Gentlemen tribute to Mighty Sparrow today in tnt hats off. Also best of Shell Invaders my band of choice mas in bklyn.Solo Harmonites and the rest of other stellbands nuff respect.

  • I always consider that tenor(pingpong) sound is still the sweetest and sometimes I wonder why has it disappeared. 

    It would be great if a band could have some of these pans in its Panorama arrangement, but where do we find them. Andy Narrell has one, which he seems to adore and cherish nd takes with him everywhere he goes on tour. 

    This music is so sweet, I remember as a teen(16), I used to get excited whenever I hear Invader playing those Sparrow songs (60 million FM, Pussy Cat, etc), talk about perfect interpretation. I always search for the music on you tube, but it's hard to locate. Thanks ODW, for the music!

  • Memories, just sweet memories of when Pan was simple and sweet. I had to play it a couple of times.Takes me all the way back to the carefree teenage years. Love it.

  • Thanks ODW, for the old school pan music respect. Being a young teen at that time, invaders my band of choice send me back reeling with joy. Thanks again and much respect to all other steelbands included,and most of all the MIGHTY SPARROW.

  • 1. 1968 Harmonites - Mr Walker
    2. 1968 Cordettes - Mr Walker
    3. 1968 Cordettes – Wood In de Fire
    4. 1968 Cordettes – Carnival In 68
    5. 1969 Invaders- Pussy Cat
    6. 1969 Invaders - Mas In Brooklyn
    7. 1969 Invaders – Sixty Million Frenchmen
    8. 1969 Harmonites – Sixty Million Frenchmen
    9. 1969 Harmonites – Sa Sa YA
    10. 1969 Flamingoes –Lizard
    11. 1969 Flamingoes – Sell The Pussy
    12. 1970 Harmonites - Saturday Night

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