Starlift - Du Du Yemi 1978

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Starlift playing the Sparrow song "Du Du Yemi" live at Trinidad Panorama Finals 1978. Arranged by Herschel Puckerin. Check out all the dust kicked up by the dancing audience.

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  • Believe it or not I am the person who recommended to Herschel Puckerin to use this tune. I followed  the arranging of the tune by visiting the panyard every night and I knew that he had a winner. I was there also on the night and it was magical. It was a time when Soca had just come on the scene and the use of that in the middle of the arrangement is what sent the crowd wild. A memorable night!!

  • I remember this night in the North Stands. It is etched in my memory. Thanks for the reminder.

  • A little joke that Elias "Pjue" Phillip told me about this Starlift performance.

    He said when Despers finished playing he was confident that no other band coming after could beat Despers.

    He was standing below the Grandstand when Starlift was playing and when he heard the response from audience he said, "le meh ge out of here we"

  • I was in the North Stand when Starlift blew the roof tops off both North & Grand Stands. Big Winner. Good Memories!

  • One of my all time Panorama favorites. I think this was the last time Starlift won the title.

  • Wow !!...Dust  fuh  so.

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