Steelband and Calypso/Bomb Tunes

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Steelband researcher Dr. Roderick Thompson discusses the relationship between Calypso and Pan, the classics and the concept behind the Bomb Competition.

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  • That was a good input, Rico.

    You're right, Rico and Bede, the unofficial "Bomb Competition" took place long before it was organized.

    And, didn't the bands make a point of "saluting" the police headquarters both in San Fernando and Port of Spain with their Bomb tunes as a show of respect?

    And that was before the bomb competition when the bands were just getting out of the "badjohn" era.

  • Rico, those were the best days of the Bomb, before they had oficially had Bomb competition. It was bragging rights then
  • A very important element to note here is the developmental side of this-the bomb. Long before the competition came up bands vied for recognition by dropping a bomb on other bands; then an area was established-Park street- where most bands passed to drop their bombs. At an even earlier stage;mainly calypso or other household tunes were dropped at Marine square, later named Independence Square, most steelbands went there to play and outplay their counterparts; some of which led to major steelband clashes. The competitions arose later on when bragging rights had to be directed away from violence to settle who had the most explosive, or best bomb. Two other major places figured in the development and execution of the bomb- Charlotte st, under the garret, All Stars' headquarters, and Prince street, by Dewney club. A lot more sprang up after those. Allow I to also add that steelband and calypso had a marriage that was born out of cultural/racial struggle. Not simply by the banning of one thing or another. The struggle emanated from and through commentary and expression-the calypsonians commented and the steelbands expressed these commentaries in a musical and aggressive form. And they continued to evolve together, each contributing to, and strengthening each other, until some smart-ass decided that separation is in their best interest; and that it was progress. It is not ; and is proving so annually. Blessed thanks for tolerating I input.   Rico I Ras Tafari SELASSIE I
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