Steelband Flag Men and Flag Women - WST Steelband Channel

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Click for discussion on the the 'flag woman' or 'flag man.' The role of the Carrier of The Flag is deeply rooted in tradition and history. It is a special, time-honored position that requires confidence, grace and skill. When Steel Talks takes a special look at those who carried the flag at the Trinidad and Tobago steelband music panorama, in video and pictures.

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  • Thanks, Bro could not remember his first name. For those of you who don't know, Tripoli was a history making Steel Band. They had one of the first woman bass player, one of the first flag woman and one of the first woman iron beater. When coming to War Mas they were in a class by there selfs, they were so realistic. That one year they came with a home made tank and bazookas that gave off and explosive sound. 

  • OrlandoSteve, re Tripoli...... the man's name was Fitzroy "Big Boy" Innis. He was sometimes called "The General"

  • To all of the former members of West Side Symphony aka BWIA Sunjets we lost one of our top Cellos Players pronounced Chellos during the Carnival Season. His name was Leroy Learmont, known as Foody. My condolence goes out to his family and may he Rest In Peace.

  • I happen to know several persons in that picture the Japanese General was the Captain of the band his nickname was big boy a mechanic and his yard was the band headquarters. Can't remember his real name but on his right portraying the Japanese Emperor is Cldye Innis, now thinking of it I think his last name was also Innis and they were cousins. What was used was a PA system to make the band sound louder. Which is something different to what Bertie Marshall did, his tenors and double tenors had an electronic device that was attached to an amplifier which is two different things all together. if you want to get technical you can say that Tripoli was the first amplified band and Highlanders was the first band to have and use amplified pans. I was a member of Tripoli until leaving to join the newly formed West Side Symphony in 1964.



  • I just saw a recent Comment on Flag-women and I decided to post it.

  • The flagmen and women of the stelbands are the forgotten soldiers of the Pan World. Forget about Pan Trinbago, it is a lost organisation, only interested in money and molly cuddling the very same deejays who disrespect the pan. When I was a boy, I loved to see a guy from the then Carib Tokyo with a grey beard. he was outstanding. I have read about Tramcar an old flagwaver. The lagwavers of today lack the skill and art of flagwaving. The only outstanding person I see is Claude "Crapaud" Forde of Republic Bank Exodus.

  • My niece Peta Bain has tried unsuccessfully for years to educate the "vultures" who run our culture and Pan Trinbago about the importance, relevance and history of flag wavers especially women to NO AVAIL. Poor child, she will have to leave this philistine country and only then will her research be recognized.

    Diatonic Pan Institute (Keith Byer) had a flag waving competition last year in an effort to revive this art. No recognition, no media coverage, NOTHING from anybody including Pan Trinbago.

    This year two San Fernando bodies - Screentex Ltd (Elton Benjamin) and Sunshine Boys Club(Rudolph Thomas) - are funding a competition trying to give prominence to this art form at the Semi Finals of Single Pan and Small Conventional Bands at Skinner Park on Thursday Feb 16.

    I cannot wait to see how many bands participate.

  • Anson,  a big band presentation many moons ago on the streets of Port-of-Spain was "Flags Wavers Of Siena". It's an ancient tradition that occurs in Siena, Italy where each neighborhood has its own colors. Never-the less I  Iuv meh flagmen/women and the skill from each one. There were some good ones this panorama.

  • So very graeful and amazing. The flag bearing is not a mundane boring ridged ceremony but flowing and almost like kite flying a beautiful dance of the flags themselves. This is so non-Eurocentric (if there is such a word) and to this I give great praise!!!!! The Spirit of the people - beautiful.
  • it is interesting that this movement of flag bearing has made itself into gospel circles. It would be interesting to know how that happened.
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