Steelband Panorama Competitions - Pan Classics 1

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Calypso Showcase - Pan Classics 80's

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  • Yes indeed Solo Harmonites performing PAN RUNNING WILD a real Earl Rodney gem!!! Anyone having a copy of this performance please post it.

  • Please remember Solo Harmonites  "Pan running wild"  written by Earl Rodney and performed by Squibby this has to be right up there with other classic 80's pan

  • Ga is hot and off course Fl is hotter,let me know when you are back,enjoy your time to the fullest.

  • Thanks Ritson,

                             How are things Up North? I am stiil down South in T&T (lol)

  • Ian I agree,but a certain part of the final night video has some distortion(from TTT).That was a winning performance.

  • Jewel 22 came on the scene quick and left the same way ... that was some real Pan classic,

  • Good Hearing some of those 80's panorama pieces. Just some trivia, Len Sharpe did not qualify Phase II in 1980, but he led Jewel 22 to 4th place that year. I would have prefered if Desperadoes' final night version of               "Party Tonight" was played instead of the version we heard.

  • COOL!!!

  • Why was this show stopped?

  • I cannot wait to hear 3rd World Symphony rendition of Maestro's "Gold".

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