Steelband Panorama Competitions - Pan Classics 2

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Calypso Showcase... Panorama Classics 80s

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  • Thanks for the memories. As always this is my trivia info. (1) Phase II's & Boogsie's loss in 1986 was          (a) their "first" 2nd, (b) their "first" of 3 second place finishes by one point and (c) their "first" of 12 second place finishes. Boogsie is the leading arranger with 33 final appearances and 21 top-three's at panorama.                  (2) Clive Bradley is the only arranger that placed three different Steel Orchestras 1st, 2nd or 3rd in three different decades. He placed Desperadoes 1st in 1977, Pandemonium 2nd in 1988 and Nutones 3rd in 1999.  (3) In 1992, Renegades "The Bees Melody" one of the best panorama arrangement, lost the panorama finals to Exodus after leading them by 23 points.                                                                                                                (4) Ken "professor" Philmore and Fonclaire's 2nd place finish at panorama 1990, was their second of three consecutive second place finishes. (1989, 1990 & 1991)                                                                                    Too bad that their relationship dissolved soon after; I believe that they would have been a winning team by now. 

    Ray Holman is responsible for Starlift's being the only Steel Orchestra to make the first 11 panorama finals.         I heard that Desperadoes had contacted him for hire at this 2012 panorama. What happened, I do not know.


  • I would really like to see the vibes for panorama get back like this, in terms of the crowd response. Come to the rama for the pan and not for the fete behind the stands....

    These were the good old days, I was not playing yet but I use to look at the rama from an early age on television and pretend I am on stage playing with every band.........

    Great great collection...........

  • You did it again, ODW.

    You must have some kind of built in computer worm to have been able to find and achive all this great stuff.

    That's why I feel kind of embarrassed when anyone compliments my contributions, which seem paltry compared to yours.

    Keep up the good work, you have done an incredible job in promoting our culture, and it is time it was recognized.

    And Alvin Daniel, I know you're going through some tough times and my sympathies are with you and your family, but I would like to take the opportunity to salute you for your invaluable contributions to our culture and offer a heart felt "Thank you".

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