"In Trinidad there are no racism between African and Indian. The difference are in the culture - one race save their money and the other spend what they do not have." Terry Samuel. That statement in itself is racist, and stereotypes Afro-Trinbagonians. You don't know the meaning of "racism" nor "culture", so photo-ops like these can easily fool you. If my comment is putting my foot in my mouth, then you just put one of your other extremities in your other orifice. (Ant that takes talent!) Thanks for the comment, Terry.
BTW - As a "ghost", I travel to Trinidad regularly, and I may be more up-to-date on African-Indian relations than you think, my play friend. Peace.
Ghost, you continue putting YOUR FOOT INTO YOUR MOUTH when you living foreign get your facts correct as far as I known and attend various symposium and seminar on '"International Year of People of African Descent" last year - where you get this idea the Government ignore this event.
In Trinidad there are no racism between African and Indian. The difference are in the culture - one race save their money and the other spend what they do not have.
FRANK. That fine by me. Now seeing that you have NO problem expressing your opinion, tell us: What percentage of agreement do you have for the following statement, "The law of karma is real. What goes around comes around. If you are white and enslave black people, your next life the table will be turned around. You will take birth as a black man who will then be enslaved by whites who you enslaved in your past life. .."?
Secondly, what percentage of agreement for East Indians shouts of "IS WE TIME NOW"? Who is "WE"? Also, what EXACTLY do you agree with, and why? Your comment is very general, and you are not agreeing for "agreeing sake", now ARE YOU?
Finally, do you agree with PM Kamla Bissesar's visit in search of her "roots" to India, while ignoring last year's United Nations' "International Year Of People Of African Descent"? I thought "all ah we is one family". She visited her "Grand Motherland", as she put it, why did she ignore my "Grand Motherland" - AFRICA?
Andre, please don't be a hypocrite; I am sure I not the only one. Yes, I am human, and that is why when I am wrong, I humbly admit to it and apologize. The GOD that I worship, ALWAYS forgives me, and I have ALWAYS admitted that I am not here to win Miss. Congeniality. Now, why not prove your point and summarize ALL my posts from "day one", highlighting proof your claim.
Speaking of "foot in the mouth", do you think that this statement is RACIST? : "The law of karma is real. What goes around comes around. If you are white and enslave black people, your next life the table will be turned around. You will take birth as a black man who will then be enslaved by whites who you enslaved in your past life. .."
Finally, people can choose to respond or not; that's not going to stop me from speaking my mind. ALL courageous people, throughout history often stood alone. The hate against Kobe and La Bron, doesn't stop them from being great, and your collective attempts to silence me, will prove futile. I will stop posting on WST when I get bored, and you all are exciting me too much to stop now. Why not go back to day one, and challenge ANY claim, I made, and stop making excuses about the messenger. FYI - I learned that many in their silence look forward to my posts, and even when they leave positive comments, the HATERZ still find issues. What would embarrass me more is being not being humble to admit when I am wrong. And I was. That is what makes me: HUMAN. Are you? FYI - Go back and see who people were questioning if they are "alien". (Always a different set of standards for some. Stop discriminating, and apply the standards evenly. As if NO ONE disrespected me! Not ONE apology. My conscience is clear, and GOD knows, this WST forum, and the steelband movement is better off for having me as a member. I am not the threat to pan; stop focusing on me. You all do not appreciate my sharing of my experience, so from now on, ALL I will give is my opinion, and leave you all to wrongfully assume that I have nothing positive to add. I understand the "power struggle"' how dare me come into WST, and show my leadership. I created a blueprint out of love for my fellow pan players in Trinidad & Tobago, but intent means NOTHING to you all. Andre, there are four more fingers pointing at you, and I can NEVR wreck myself, because I speak the truth 100% of the time, and I do so with good intend. GOD will always overcome EVIL, and I am not immune to making mistakes. I personally apologize to you, for not conveying my genuine caring for pan's future clearly enough, and for making my anger over the current conditions show. Hey, even GOD and JESUS was said to have gotten angry at times. Please understand a mere mortal's emotions. If I did not care, I would have left a long time ago, and again, I humbly encourage you to form a petition to have me removed from this website, if you are that offended by my presence. But I understand family, and even if we wrong each other, we forgive each other, and move on. Anyone will see from my posts that I am fiercely defensive when it comes to the "steelband movement", and to the memory of those who fought and died for the social betterment. I still think that it is ungrateful and disrespectful, to focus on the music only, and not the movement. That is what I have tried to do, and what I will continue to do. Thanks for your concern and reality-check. Now, I know I am hated," but I'll NEVER forget the crucified Jessus Christ...sold Marcus Garvey for rice...turned their backs on Paul Bogle." I know WHO I AM, and WHERE I STAND IN THE STRUGGLE! (Thanks Bob Marley. I draw on these words at times like these, and I am STRENGTHENED!)
GHOST WHO TALKS - sometimes with his foot in his mouth. But NEVER with his nose up someone's butt!
Ghost, you are not embarrass of putting your foot into your mouth from the first day you appear on this forum - are you human....you is the only WST member alienate other members on this forum check your blog and see who is still contributing on your discussions...how many times you have to apologize CHECK YOURSELF before you WRECK YOURSELF.
Indra, I meant no disrespect. Yes, I did assume that you might know the answer to my questions, and my soliciting an answer from you was also based on your comment, not just my assumption. So, I apologize, but I would really still like to know the answer. I have friends of ALL backgrounds, fell in love with women of all "races", and defend against racism. That is the premise of my questions and AL my poats, which are still valid. I also grew up in Trinidad, and I experienced racism for being Black. I see the hate against Blacks in Trinidad and the East Indian nepotism that shows, as they put it: IS WE TIME NOW! Associating crime with being Black, and making statements about Blacks "does beat pan, and we does beat book.", help feed into a negative image of people who look like me. Again, no offense to your ethnicity meant, just understand why I'm offended. GHOST
"In Trinidad there are no racism between African and Indian. The difference are in the culture - one race save their money and the other spend what they do not have." Terry Samuel. That statement in itself is racist, and stereotypes Afro-Trinbagonians. You don't know the meaning of "racism" nor "culture", so photo-ops like these can easily fool you. If my comment is putting my foot in my mouth, then you just put one of your other extremities in your other orifice. (Ant that takes talent!) Thanks for the comment, Terry.
BTW - As a "ghost", I travel to Trinidad regularly, and I may be more up-to-date on African-Indian relations than you think, my play friend. Peace.
In Trinidad there are no racism between African and Indian. The difference are in the culture - one race save their money and the other spend what they do not have.
Japanese playing pan: 300 views. East Indian exposing Hindu racism: <5 views. Hypocritical Trinidad & Tobago society: PRICELESS!!! GHOST.
Don't conveniently choose what you infrom yourself about. Even if you don't know, I DO!
FRANK. That fine by me. Now seeing that you have NO problem expressing your opinion, tell us: What percentage of agreement do you have for the following statement, "The law of karma is real. What goes around comes around. If you are white and enslave black people, your next life the table will be turned around. You will take birth as a black man who will then be enslaved by whites who you enslaved in your past life. .."?
Secondly, what percentage of agreement for East Indians shouts of "IS WE TIME NOW"? Who is "WE"? Also, what EXACTLY do you agree with, and why? Your comment is very general, and you are not agreeing for "agreeing sake", now ARE YOU?
Finally, do you agree with PM Kamla Bissesar's visit in search of her "roots" to India, while ignoring last year's United Nations' "International Year Of People Of African Descent"? I thought "all ah we is one family". She visited her "Grand Motherland", as she put it, why did she ignore my "Grand Motherland" - AFRICA?
and i agree 115% with indra!!!
ghost, i agree 100% with andre williams!!!
Pan'tum just think about it , they treat our women better ,Simple ,provide better, could be, you don't think
Andre, please don't be a hypocrite; I am sure I not the only one. Yes, I am human, and that is why when I am wrong, I humbly admit to it and apologize. The GOD that I worship, ALWAYS forgives me, and I have ALWAYS admitted that I am not here to win Miss. Congeniality. Now, why not prove your point and summarize ALL my posts from "day one", highlighting proof your claim.
Speaking of "foot in the mouth", do you think that this statement is RACIST? : "The law of karma is real. What goes around comes around. If you are white and enslave black people, your next life the table will be turned around. You will take birth as a black man who will then be enslaved by whites who you enslaved in your past life. .."
Finally, people can choose to respond or not; that's not going to stop me from speaking my mind. ALL courageous people, throughout history often stood alone. The hate against Kobe and La Bron, doesn't stop them from being great, and your collective attempts to silence me, will prove futile. I will stop posting on WST when I get bored, and you all are exciting me too much to stop now. Why not go back to day one, and challenge ANY claim, I made, and stop making excuses about the messenger. FYI - I learned that many in their silence look forward to my posts, and even when they leave positive comments, the HATERZ still find issues. What would embarrass me more is being not being humble to admit when I am wrong. And I was. That is what makes me: HUMAN. Are you? FYI - Go back and see who people were questioning if they are "alien". (Always a different set of standards for some. Stop discriminating, and apply the standards evenly. As if NO ONE disrespected me! Not ONE apology. My conscience is clear, and GOD knows, this WST forum, and the steelband movement is better off for having me as a member. I am not the threat to pan; stop focusing on me. You all do not appreciate my sharing of my experience, so from now on, ALL I will give is my opinion, and leave you all to wrongfully assume that I have nothing positive to add. I understand the "power struggle"' how dare me come into WST, and show my leadership. I created a blueprint out of love for my fellow pan players in Trinidad & Tobago, but intent means NOTHING to you all. Andre, there are four more fingers pointing at you, and I can NEVR wreck myself, because I speak the truth 100% of the time, and I do so with good intend. GOD will always overcome EVIL, and I am not immune to making mistakes. I personally apologize to you, for not conveying my genuine caring for pan's future clearly enough, and for making my anger over the current conditions show. Hey, even GOD and JESUS was said to have gotten angry at times. Please understand a mere mortal's emotions. If I did not care, I would have left a long time ago, and again, I humbly encourage you to form a petition to have me removed from this website, if you are that offended by my presence. But I understand family, and even if we wrong each other, we forgive each other, and move on. Anyone will see from my posts that I am fiercely defensive when it comes to the "steelband movement", and to the memory of those who fought and died for the social betterment. I still think that it is ungrateful and disrespectful, to focus on the music only, and not the movement. That is what I have tried to do, and what I will continue to do. Thanks for your concern and reality-check. Now, I know I am hated," but I'll NEVER forget the crucified Jessus Christ...sold Marcus Garvey for rice...turned their backs on Paul Bogle." I know WHO I AM, and WHERE I STAND IN THE STRUGGLE! (Thanks Bob Marley. I draw on these words at times like these, and I am STRENGTHENED!)
GHOST WHO TALKS - sometimes with his foot in his mouth. But NEVER with his nose up someone's butt!
Ghost, you are not embarrass of putting your foot into your mouth from the first day you appear on this forum - are you human....you is the only WST member alienate other members on this forum check your blog and see who is still contributing on your discussions...how many times you have to apologize CHECK YOURSELF before you WRECK YOURSELF.
Indra, I meant no disrespect. Yes, I did assume that you might know the answer to my questions, and my soliciting an answer from you was also based on your comment, not just my assumption. So, I apologize, but I would really still like to know the answer. I have friends of ALL backgrounds, fell in love with women of all "races", and defend against racism. That is the premise of my questions and AL my poats, which are still valid. I also grew up in Trinidad, and I experienced racism for being Black. I see the hate against Blacks in Trinidad and the East Indian nepotism that shows, as they put it: IS WE TIME NOW! Associating crime with being Black, and making statements about Blacks "does beat pan, and we does beat book.", help feed into a negative image of people who look like me. Again, no offense to your ethnicity meant, just understand why I'm offended. GHOST