SunJets Steel Band on Ed Sullivan May 23 1970.avi

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New York City Mission Society's Sunjets Steel Band

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  • Thanks Bede Lopez for correct info, but still great performance by New York City Mission Society's Sunjets Steel Band.

  • Ken T Fortune and Masai Hall, this BWIA SUNJETS is not the band with Herman "Rock" Johnson (deceased)  of ST James/Splinter of Panam North Stars, this is the New York Bwia Sunjets, it has nothing to do with the real Deal.

    This is the first time that I noticed this in the Video section of WST, I don't know how ODW did not catch this, ODW! You falling back, lol

  • Sunjets!  A splinter of Panam North Stars.  Seems nobody ever mentions Herman "Rock" Johnson.

  • That was great. Love it. Prior to that. Brooklyn Steel Harmonic Steel Band was on the "Ted Mack Amateur Hour" program playing Cheek to Cheek. Can anyone one bring that to When Steel Talks?

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