Supernovas Panorama Semi Finals 2016 Performance [ NH PRODUCTIONS TT ]

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The Supernovas Steel Orchestra performed at the 2016 National Panorama Semi Final Competition on January 24th. They provided a spirited and energetic performance which allowed them to secure 2nd place on the night and advance to the Finals of the competition. Performing 'Breakthrough' sung by Chuck Gordon Composed byMark Loquan & Amrit Samaroo Video by NH PRODUCTIONS TT courtesy Harry Persad & Sons Limited & Veda Persad ©NH PRODUCTIONS TT

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  • Supernovas brings to mind Renegades of the 80's and 90's….

  • Great performance! ah luv dis band! and I also love how they have recruited some of the young talented ones from 'Silver Stars,' where they get no respect from management...... I'm rooting for you guys!

  • The Apple dont fall far from the tree well done Amrit, Jit taught you well this music sweet from start to finish.
    Panorama Champs
  • Excellent performance to break through, indeed/

  • Bless RIP mr Jit Samaroo .
  • Supernovas will win hand down because their tune of choice the sweetest his year and the arrangement team of Amrit S. and Mark L.
    It would be a positive for steel band development to have strong tell band that not in Port Of Spain; for the record I am from POS.
    Also their tune of choice could win road march and feature in Calypso Monarch for 2016.

  • Great performance as of now this is the dark horse in the race

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