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Resumen de mi segunda visita a Trinidad y Tobago para participar en la Panorama Steel Band Competition 2014 con la Birdsong Steel Orchestra. Este reportaje no solo quiere dar testimonio de un evento musical único en el mundo en el que se reúnen las mejores steel bands para competir con grandes arreglos. Esta es también una manera de divulgar la existencia del steel drum y de las steel bands. Hay muchos más motivos que me han llevado a compartir este material con mis amigos, entre ellos aportar un poco más sobre este fenómeno cultural y ponerme a disposición de quien tenga curiosidad e interés en los temas que el reportaje aborda. Es un pequeño regalo, o souvenir si se prefiere, y espero que sobre todo sea así como se reciba. Gracias de antemano por tu tiempo.

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  • Thanks to Brenda Hosang and Cynthia Edwards for your words. It was an amazing experience and I hope can repeat it. I´m very happy with all the feedback I´m getting from many people from Trinidad and Tobago. Also here in Spain there´re many friends who are discovering pans and steel bands by watching this video. This is a humble way to say thanks Trinis for the pan and your musical culture.


  • I love this big band song so Andy Narrell. I also  got to see my two nieces who are members and played with the band for Panorama 2014.Thank you very much Tito for your documentary since this is the first time that I am hearing the entire arrangement.  

  • Thank you so much Michaele for your words. It´s nice to known that this little documentary will help you to explain to your friends what Panorama means even for musicians or not. It´s been a really exiting experience. I´m trying to introduce pans in Spain and this will be a nice tool. I got many feedback words from many people and I´m happy to have spend time and energy on it. Pan is passion.

    I sincerely hope you can go back to Trinidad again and enjoy a Panorama season.

    Un gran abrazo y Gracias por tus palabras.

  • Thanks Tito...

    This was a very interesting whole experience..

    I sent it to some friends and relatives...who have for years been hearing me..

    go on & on & on about why I must go back to TnT for panorama again..

    a major item on my bucket list !  They do not really get why this is so important 

    to me..  Maybe now...they can get some kind of understanding of what I want to experience.

    I am not a musician...but I just love music and this is the "Holy Grail" for me.

    I really loved also your inclusion of bird song and photos.  WOW !

    Muchos abrazos y muchissimas gracisas.


  • Thanks Ian. 

  • Thank you so much Mike. I´m really thrilled with your message. Is really exciting to know about your offer.

    I´ll like to talk about a next chance to go there but it´s to early. Well of course I think on the idea but my bank account doesn´y agree. I must try to look for some grant or institutional support but it means time.

    If it´s any new about it I´ll tell you. 

    There are so many things to discover not only about pans and steel bands but about the islands.

    Un abrazo amigo

    Once again: Thanks

  • Good job Tito. If you would like a few recordings of various genre in pan performances, please contact me via E Mail


    Thanks and love peace and pan

  • Hi Tito,

    I enjoyed your documentary very much. It was very informative and conveyed your message to me. It also sparked an idea for me as a professional filmmaker. If you planning to repeat your trip next year, plan on hiring a small film crew to truly bring out the visual aspects of the story and the splendid beauty of the islands. I know there is a cost to accomplish such a task, but it is well worth the effort. Some parts were difficult to view.

    However Tito, this was still worth watching and hearing your story. Please come again. Let's go Spain, get some pans and hire some pan people from Trinidad Y Tobago.

    Hasta la Vista amigo Tito.

    I am off to practice on the guitar pans.

  • This is a little documentary about a recent trip to Trinidad where I played with Birdsong Steel Orchestra in the Panorama Semifinals. It has been a great experience and I wanted to share it. Here in Spain pans are really unknown and I hope the documentary will help to introduce pans, steel bands and Trinidadian Culture here.

    I hope you enjoy it

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