The year is 1990, the place is panorama night at the Brooklyn Museum and master arranger Clive Bradley is about to win his third New York panorama with this arrangement. Bradley captures the crowd before the intro is even completed. The audio recording is not very good (from the archive vaults), but it allows you to hear those classic Clive Bradley movements, transitions and urban influences. In addition, at 5 min 53 sec - you can hear the solo Clive Bradley asked a young Garvin Blake to put in. Indeed, a sign of good things to come in the future of Mr. Blake. This particular incarnation of Metro Steel Orchestra ushered in the beginning of the era of large New York steel orchestras of more than 100 players... Tony Joseph captain...
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Excuse me, but Panmasters a band that came before Metro was formed also won a Pan-A-Rama with over a hundred players. I no, because I played with both bands. aka: Tahzann, aka: Curly!
Excuse me, but Panmasters a band that came before Metro was formed also won a Pan-A-Rama with over a
hundred players. I no, because I played with both bands. aka: Tahzann, aka: Curly!