Panorama 2013 in Pictures

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Panorama 2013 in Pictures - 50 years of Panorama music excellence... Images by Robbie Joseph Phase II, Trinidad All Stars, Renegades, Exodus, Silver Stars, Desperadoes, Invaders, Redemption Sound Setters and Skiffle

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  • Dear Pan Watch you are absolutely correct. But as pan people let's not fight. If any of us fall short we should try to help each other. I believe in peaceful resolution. As one honest person to another, please call me at (754) 779-7547 or E mail your contact to Everyone needs a chance to defend his or her action.

    Love Peace and Pan


    Mr. Franklin, it is amazing how you always have a 'two cents' to offer for all matters, even when you ain't directly involved.  hmmmm.  What does Mr. Joseph owe any band?  It seems as if he is based in the UK, he is from Panpodium right? So he is most probably doing this on his own dime. If even it was the case, wasn't he entitled to shoot photos of whom he damn well pleased?  Did any band pay him to shoot pictures?  Really.


    And you Mr. Wire, were or are a member of Pantrinbago executive, now or in the past?  The bands should expect to see pictures from Pantrinbago? What do you have to say about that? Why are you wondering if Mr. Joseph, probably taking photos privately, has 'a problem with Fonclaire'. This is ridiculous, was Mr. Joseph one of those who paid those humongous media fees to take pictures of bands this year, or any other year? And did Fonclaire or any other band contribute to any fees he or any other photographer would have to pay, and if he has to do so in the future?

    As part of Pantrinbago executive past or present, Mr. Wire you should take care of business, pan people business, not ask why people who take pictures don't have pictures of your band.


    And you Elton Bain, you should join the bandwagon of SHAME along with Mr. Wire. Looking you up online I see you have been what, vice president of Pantrinbago, chairman of Pantrinbago south region, and more. Part of the same set of Pantrinbago fools who have or had visible positions in the organization. Yet for shame you have to comment sarcastically about the Medium bands “Apparently the Medium bands performed at a differrent venue that evening.”  So mr. Joseph was supposed to take care and be responsible for medium bands too?


    What did you/pantrinbago do to help some of the photographers who could not afford the fees? I see that Mark Lyndersay and other photographers had a fit at the prices charged for media access. So, if Mr. Joseph as a private citizen took these photos, he was supposed to be present for the medium bands as well? You too, are farse and outta place.  I’ll ask again, did you or Mr. Wire as pantrinbago executives pay Mr. Joseph to work for you all, did you get him a media pass to take these pictures? And if he did not use a pass, he probably had to get in the savannah at least. Did you pay his ticket to take in the competition? And he is based in the uk as Panpodium, did you pay his plane ticket to come to visit us here in Trini, and pay for his accommodation while he was here?


    The three of you and all those who have problems with what photos Mr. Joseph got, and didn’t get – should get out and do the job yourselves.  Otherwise, shut up.

  • Hello Mr Joseph. I trust that you didn't think I had any lamentations to offer on your work. I was celebrating your efforts using the young people's language.

  • Mr Wire

    Sincere apologies. I have no problems with any steelbands as I personally believe that each and every steelband  contributes to our steelpan culture. I will pass any photos I have to WST for publication. Mr Lyndersay you are fully aware how difficult it is to take photos on stage.  Are you able to supply some of your photos as well?  Mr Bain it is hard work but I am putting together the medium bands photos. Kind Regards

  • Hello Wire,

                        I think it is just an oversight on Mr. Joseph's part.  I am sure that he will contact you personally (lol)

  • You go on with your bad photographic self Mr Joseph.

  • MR Joseph you have a problem with N L C B Fonclaire ??????????????????????????.

  • Apparently the Medium bands performed at a differrent venue that evening.

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