The cultural expression of a people - Despers USA - “Different Me” - In Pictures - Panyard Recording

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WST pan-photographer CP captures the mighty tribe called "Despers USA" in pictures just a couple of days before the NY Panorama competition during their live 2016 panyard recording session. They are one of Brooklyn, New York's finest steel orchestras. For over 30 years Despers USA who hails from Bed-Sty/Crown Heights has been a musical treasure and performing arts fixture in the Brooklyn community. This year Despers USA performed an Odie Franklin arrangement of “Different Me”. 100 Despers USA players took the stage for Panorama 2016. Listen to the Despers USA franchise moving to the mantra "Nobody Badda Than We" while filling the Brooklyn Summer nights with the music, culture, expression of the people and art of the here to listen to full performance Contact Despers USA at 1 (347) 526-9886

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