The Directional Suite - 4 Etudes for Circle of 5ths Tenor Pan

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A collection of 4 distinctly separate musical compositions that focus on building technique.Playing Steel Pan brings about unique technical challenges that we don't often have with other percussion instruments. Its concave shape forces the player to inevitably double his or her right or left hands in order to fluently navigate around the instrument. I refer to this technique as "Sweeps." These etudes focus on this particular technique, while providing a musical vehicle that is suitable for recitals and concerts.Available March 10, 2015 through Pan Ramajay Productions - Go to for more info, FREE steel Pan lessons, and other Pan related materials.

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  • Interesting approach, Chris, best of luck!

  • Why alluyuh so boy?….steups….

  • Mr.Patterson; U R late, we of St James North Stars and our leader Anthony Williams inventor, innivator who derived this technology in 1949 KNOW'S, what it can do, that's Y it was created, because the others PAN'S cold not, so U have only just began to discover this, we have been there, and done that a 100 light years ago, so please calm down, we at SNSE has played pieces that U won't believe, ENJOY the instrument ...
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