The ideal gift for Children, OUT SOON !!!

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This album is a great joy for all the family complete with all the lyrics inside the booklet. Traditional nursery rhymes, catchy Caribbean folk songs all pla...

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  • Very interesting.

  • Greetings and Congratulations from Toronto, Canada.

    For your vision, innovation, creativity and diversity.   An educational /recreational album that can be adapted to several formats...DVD/CD/AUDIO, and applicable to a variety of audiences - mainstream,  multicultural and multilingual - seniors, adults, teens and children.  Be sure to house it in bookstores, libraries, schools, etc.   Of course, at home, it will bring sunshine, memories and love to all.

    Awesome!  Thank you

  • Hallo Jamma, please put me on the list! Great idea!!
    I definitely want to get one.

  • What a nice idea. Congrats

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