1954 original: The Happy Wanderer - Obernkirchen Children's Choir - Road March ☛ 1955

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The Road March ☛ 1955 - Trinidad and Tobago - Val-der-eeee! Val-der-aaah! Six months on the UK charts (peaking at #2), this first recorded version of "The Happy Wanderer" (sung in German) was also a major record hit in various other countries for the small youth choir from Schaumburg County in Germany. Composed in the mid-1940's, the march-tempo'd tune enjoyed its greatest U.S. success in the recorded versions by Frank Weir (the one with the soprano sax) and Henri Rene, but Decca did also sell a number of copies of this original version (misspelling the town of Obernkirchen on the label). Transferred and digitally processed from 45rpm: Decca 29193 - The Happy Wanderer (Der Froehliche Wanderer) (Moller-Siegesmund) by The Obernkirchen Children's Choir The Happy Wanderer or Der fröhliche Wanderer in German was recorded by a small amateur children's and youth choir from the German town of Obernkirchen in Sch...

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