The Wedding - Skiffle 2014 in their Yard

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by douggiecam· Another brilliant offering by Ray Holman building on The Dream from 2013 This is Sapna on steriods. Have to be in the top three this year. The south has given three gifts to the nation.. OIL, GAS & SKIFFLE

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  • It is almost as if they are still learning… the Lady in front seemed to forget some of the chords and the guy in white behind her is just shadowing her as if he just started learning the tune. Overall, it is a nice song. It may be a bit over reaching in the technical department as some of the players have a lot to do at times. And doing runs on Chellos is not the easiest thing to do.

  • I couldn't pick up some of the lines…but much better energy than in the Semis…excellent composition too...

  • I have to give credit to the young lady playing the three pans,She is wicked.Keep it up sister.

  • Ray's masterpiece we love it. Hope the judges get it right this time. 

  • Great song and arrangement by Ray Holman. Some parts of the song sounds like Sapna the Dream. Great tune...Love it.
  • Brilliant indeed...

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