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This song is about the execution of Paul Bogle (ca. 1820 -- 1865) a Jamaican Baptist deacon and is a National Hero of Jamaica. He was a leader of the 1865 Morant Bay Protests, which agitated for justice and fair treatment for all in Jamaica. Leading the Morant Bay rebellion, he was captured and hanged on 24 October 1865 in the Morant Bay Court House and executed by the United Kingdom authorities. He is depicted on the heads side of the Jamaican 10 cent coin. His face was also depicted on the Jamaican two dollar bill. However, this bill is no longer used in Jamaican currency. The Paul Bogle High School in the parish of his birth is named after him. Lyrics: 96 degrees in the shade real hot in the shade said it was 96 degrees in the shade ten thousand soldiers on parade taking i and i to meet a big fat boy sent from overseas the queen employ excellency before you i come with my representation you know where i'm coming from you caught me on the loose fighting to be free now you show me a noose on the cotton tree entertainment for you martyrdom for me 96 degrees in the shade real hot in the shade some may suffer and some may burn but i know that one day my people will learn as sure as the sun shines, way up in the sky today i stand here a victim the truth is I'll never die 96 degrees in the shade real hot in the shade

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