TLA Steel Band - Live and Let Die - Music For Youth 2011

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TLA Steel Band's award winning performance of Live and Let Die at the Music for Youth festival in Birmingham, July 2011

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  • Just listening to the performances of this band i heard one of the tune replayed, i cannot remember wheher it  was a tune from pan vibes,anyway i had these music in suriname ,,then one of the strangest things came to my mind,,,in the old days there was music working with curent,,,ac,,,dc,,,records,,,when there is no electricity ,,the party stop and people get vex,,we all know the rest,,,Now with the steelpan,,,we ain,t need no current in the dancehall or where ever,,once you know yu pan yu playing in the dark, if need be to,,this is the beauty of the oil drum,it goes anywhere,ah only hope dat nobody ain,t get vex,,because this is the truth,,,give me meh steelpan,one more thing ,we got some magicians that come from the blessed land wah deh call T&T,dem who mekin de steelpan and dem who playing,,some deh home and some gone abroad, amen
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