Tokyo - Umbrella

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  • I heard Tokyo two weeks ago at Woodford Square, and they were very much entertaining.  I wanted to gain entry to congratulate the Manager, but no one from the "outside" was allowed entrance to, "THE PEOPLES SQUARE."  Our Government hosted some foreign dignitaries at Woodford Square.  I did not agree with our Government with closing off Woodford Square from its citizens,' but I guess that is a start to curb Government spending.  I wonder If Brunswick Square was closed when 3 men were hanged in 1803, simply because they believed that all mankind are equal.  By the way, Brunswich was changed to Woodford in 1917  (lol). Okay back to 2013, the band  has a beautiful repertoire, and  I do hope that the Tokyo Community well seek help early, from the Police Department for the 2014 Panorama.   I also say thank you to the Police Officer who called over Mr. Hall, Tokyo's Manager, so I got a chance to congratulate him on behalf of the band.

    Love, Peace and Pan

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