Tribute to Broadway - UWI Arts Chorale and the UWI Steel Ensemble

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Tribute to "Broadway" - UWI (University of the West Indies) Arts Chorale and the UWI Steel Ensemble Star at New York Concert at St. Francis College click for full story

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  • Very magical and harmonious feelin.........
  • Perfectly performed,,but what has happened to the steelpan,,is it a  ghost,,steelpans and it,s players aren,t visible in this video,,what,ts the reason for blanking them out.
  • A very good interpitation of the tunes. Especialy with the steelband  backing them up keep up the good work.
  • The choir and the music is very good, but is this another way of putting the steel pan on the back burner, by not showing them performing?,for all we know it could have been some steel pan tracks, whats up? something is definitely wrong with that.
  • Very sweet.
  • Nice......
  • Great music from the best from T'dad
  • I really came on here to see pan playing. Instead I see a choir and hear pan. How come we not seeing the pan? I feel we should see all who are performing.
  • I appreciate what the younger generation is doing with the culture in T&T, keep up the good works and take out Steel Pan, to the next level.
  • the singing and pan playing was very good but its a shame that the steel band was not featured in the video not one time could i see the panplayers who is the pan players ?????
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