Trinidad All Stars - Excitement

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* There are some pitch changes, attributed to the audio feed* Trinidad Steelband Panorama 2014 Trinidad All Stars Excitement Arranged by Leon "Smooth" Edwards

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  • Nah, Bugs, DJ is a man of peace . He'll try to "reason " with them .

  • But Glenroy you know when our boy DJ hears about how these fellas went off message and AWOL he is going to recommend having them tied to the main mast and plenty lashes...

  • Throw them in the brig?


    Walking the plank?

    Boy, you WST people are so mean!!!

  • Mr. Willis, you were wrong. You accused WST of nonsense. Just apologize and walk the plank peacefully. And make John Ahee walk in front of you. LOL


  • Mr Willis, there is an audio problem with band No 10 also, at least from my audio feed, and I suspect from others as well, and no one from their fan base complained about this, as far as I am aware. They came from so many points behind to win the Panorama. So who do you really think should be complaining about audio problems? Go buy the CD/VIDEO recordings that are presently on sale and GIVE US A BREAK!!!!!!

  • It looked like I hit a nerve. If you all read my comment you all will see that I never talked about winning or loosing I spoke about not hearing the performance until 10 days after and then with audio problems. You all sound like fanatics rather than lovers of pan music. When I go to panorama I listen to band number 1 and to the end then I leave satisfied, reason being I know what all the pan players go through in practicing so that they can put out their best performance for the hearing public. I thought we were past that stage of which band won or not. I thought all the bands were winners. So let me know if in my comment I said anything about winning or loosing and I will retract it.

  • What an embarrassment to Trinidad All Stars. You Chupidd Fans, learn to take your losses with dignity nah!!!

  • In the brig Bugs?….keel haul dey arse like the pirates of olden days….lol

  • @Merrytones, All Stars need to throw these two drunken sailors in the brig. The All Stars video was up in less than 24 hours after they came off the finals stage. WST much too nice to these two. But you said it best. WST doesn't owe us anything.


  • Well buy the damn final CD and stop complaining nah?….WST don't owe anybody anything when I last checked...

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