Trinidad All Stars - Love Me Tender

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Audio...Pan In The 21st Century 2005 arranger Neville Jules.

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  • They would be only one Neville Jules hats off to the master.

  • Hats off to Neville Jules for is wonderfull arrangement.

  • Pan people, this tune "Love me tender" meets my definition of a "pan tune"

    I say this because I was around when this tune was popular, and steelbands loved it and it was played on the road at Carnival. I heard it..

  • Listening to Mr Jules's arrangements, you get the impression that he is still arranging "Bomb" tunes for the road.

    In other words, his arrangements are sufficiently complex to be fresh and exciting, yet not too difficult for the panman of average skills to play repetitively on the road.

    Which is exactly what carnival pan music should be.

    Nice work by a Legend (and I do not use that word lightly)
  • Kudos to Mr. Neville Jules. Can you tell that this arrangement is from the brain of a 78-year old.

    Mr. Jules is also the oldest arranger to win Pan in the 21st Century; he tied in 2004.

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