Trinidad All Stars - Panorama Preliminary 2014

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Trinidad All Stars Steel Orchestra's Panorama 2014 preliminary performance for the judge's Pan yard visit - Tuesday February 11

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  • Finally Mr. Rude did turn around so hopefully somebody recognizes him and talks to him about his DISREPECTUFUL behavior that interferred with appreciating his band of choice. Too stupid.

  • not moved by this music at all! no sweetnes to it! sorry just my opinion.

  • Told a friend who is playing for All Stars that I am a little concerned in my capacity as a Phase II fan but Boogsie always leaves the best for last so.......

  • Their music is golden like their shirts.Pan artistry at its very best.

    1. Folks lighten up...The problem is with the videographer who was clearly focused on capturing Dane, Nalo and Clive's interplay - the three players on the right of the front line.
  • @DJ - Yo DJ what's up with this guy in front of the camera?


  • Well, this guy standing in front, mash up the visual shooting.  Ah mean he had no consideration to others.  All Stars cannot let this happen again. He was so irritating that I find myself closing my eyes to listen to the performance. 

  • Yes, Oswald!!! The execution was phenomenal and the skill level supreme. All they need now is some GOOD MUSIC!! 

  • Come on Gerald Pinto, we are dealing with music here, so please leave the prancing girl alone, comment on 'the same tune every year', but not on her eyes. I started to listen but as is my choice, after about 5 minutes, I realised that I heard the same runs many times over the years by this same band, so I hung up. Execution was indeed, well done, I guess after years of practice, it becomes automatic.

  • Ah see d girl wit d 2 funny eye in front prancing as usual and the asteroids playing d same tune every year. Dis what d judges like so dey don't have to buss dey brain to understand d music.

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