UWI Steel Ensemble in New York - Performing "Playa Larga" composed by Ray Holman

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UWI Arts Chorale and the UWI Steel Ensemble Star at New York Concert BRAVO!! - ‘Celebration’ an Artistic Success New York, USA - The UWI (University of the West Indies) Arts Chorale and the UWI Steel Ensemble from Trinidad appeared in concert as part of their international tour, at the Founders Hall at St. Francis College - located in downtown Brooklyn, New York. Their performance was simply marvelous. read more http://www.panonthenet.com/news/2010/apr/UWI-4-16-10.htm The concert and tour are part of the tenth year anniversary celebrations of the musical organizations’ founding.... Ten years later, they celebrate this milestone with their second international Concert tour with a trip to St. Francis College

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  • Never mind the dictionary, Glenroy ... ah talkin about we head space, in particular the apparent need for validation from outside ["steelpan" instead of steeldrum, steel orchestra instead of steelband, etc.]

    At least "foundation" brings to mind some  sort of broader (perhaps self help) association in the  context of pan.  A foundation generally is thought of as trying  to build something.


  • Nothing wrong with that, Peter. Yuh know how we pan people like fancy names :).

    According to the dictionary, an ensemble is a synonym for a band or a group of musicians playing together.

    And after all, the name does connote certain images, which the band may want to project.

    And BTW, my home town band Southern Marines is now a Foundation!

    Fancy that!!

  • Can anyone offer a reason, or reasons, that a steelband should rather call itself an ensemble?  Does that word have a connotation of superiority?  Mimicry?

    And, as a former conductor myself, can I also ask when it became fashionable to conduct a pan side playing calypso?  Is that just mimicry?

    Thanks,  Peter


  • After two years I am seeing this for the first time!! I am the guy in blue, on the right, on the double seconds!! Good times. Brings Back memories!!!

  • Great Sound.Good Work!

  • I just wish that when a group is performing and is to be recorded that SOMEONE would be engaged to

    properly mic the group so that a decent balance could be achieved. The performers deserve this.

    Jimmy Leyden

    Calliope's Children

  • I have this chart, it is wonderful!!!!! 8-)
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