Vanessa Headley performs at Berklee College of Music 5 Week All-Stars Funk/Fusion 2011 "Black Eyes"

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Article here - Ace Steelpan musician Vanessa Headley joins Prashant Murthy (guitar), Elijah Fox Peck (piano), Lars Nijman (drums), Charles Berthoud (bass guitar), Jacob Paulson (trombone), Adolphus Hall (trumpet), and Ayaka Yoshinaga (saxophone) for the Berklee College of Music 5 Week All-Stars Funk/Fusion 2011 session, playing "Black Eyes"

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  • The trombone player and keyboard player also didn't take a solo. At the end of the vid, it looked like the group was about to play another song; maybe Vanessa got her opportunity to play a solo then.
  • I am going to be practical and to the point,,if the others was given the opportunity to do their piece then Vanessa ought to have been given  that chance also,,,,  the band was made up of each and everyone present,,,this has nothing to do with the attention paid towards   one individual, or  instrument,,,,,the term is equal opportunity,,,,thus taking into consideration that the steelpan is an international instrument that must  be represented  and be placed into the limelight at all times, without the constant pushing and advocacy advertisement  with a positive attitude towards the steelpan, we would contine to be dis-satisfied,,publicity for the steelpan in the olden days were restricted to only the radio and sometimes the television,,,now it,s the internet,,reaching the world over,,,,i do stand to be corrected...the truth.
  • Let's be vigilant and give Vanessa all the support she needs to grow in her new environment. It is better to be called forward than be asked to step back!
  • Stop comparing. Pan is an instrument PERIOD. ..Not every instrument has a solo in every peice. All the young people viewing this must understand that they too have to pay their dues in the realm of the international stage. Instead of boasting of how better they are than the ones that came before them; they should  work towards raising the standard of the instrument. They should also work towards preparing themselves to take center stage by learning to read and write music. In so doing they could then be at the forefront of educating the ones that will come after them. Enough of the "I" syndrome and more of doing all that they can to elevate the instrument to the level of what the piano or violin now is.. Hats off to Ms Headley. May you continue to grow and excell.
  • Check the other musicians, for a change! Vanessa was part of a good piece of music, but, I think, the girl saxophonist, the guitarist, and, especially the young drummer, were brilliant! Well done, Berklee!
  • I don't know why everyone seems to think that the steel pan should be the main focus of this piece.

    As far as I am concerned , it is a beautiful piece of music played by a group of talented young people, one of which happens to be a talented pan player.

    Enough, Pan people.

    As much as we  may wish otherwise, the pan isn't the center of the universe (yet)!

  • Once again the steel pan is not focus in the music as a solo, but congrats Miss V.


  • Sidd, very good observation!  She is tucked in the back in the dark as though she was an after-thought.  It is good that she is with the group, but the PAN clearly IS NOT an integral part of the music.  SHE NEVER GOT A SOLO OPPORTUNITY.  As PAN PEOPLE is not good enough for us to just show up.  We need to be integrated.  Sadly enough, we have no one to blame but ourselves.  We are constantly pushing pan as this very special instrument.  We are telling the world that it this exotic instrument from this exotic place and it plays exotic music.  It plays PAN MUSIC.  It plays PANORAMA MUSIC and all the other specialties that we are tying to Pan.  With this in mind, the world cannot help but see PAN as a NOVELTY ITEM.  I honestly believe that is a major factor why musicians are not warming up to pan.  Not being familiar enough with the instrument you can see why the average musician would think that a PAN would not be a goof fit for a conventional band.  THIS IS NOT GOOD FOR PAN.  We need to be pushing the idea that PAN IS AN INSTRUMENT, period.  IT PLAYS MUSIC, period.  End of story.  When we get this idea accross, then and only then we will see the PAN taking its rightful place beside more conventional instruments.  Think about, and please DO NOT SHOOT THE MESSENGER.  Peace!
  • The comments by Sidd is correct,in theprocess of me watching the video,i had also Vanessa to be doing her thing on the steelpan ,which never materialised, that opportunity was neve given,,better days are coming.
  • Good Show! Impressive performance by ALL the young musicians!
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