vo Mello bis ge Schoppornou (HMBC cover) - PANERGY steelorchestra

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Holstuonarmusigbigbandclub `s "vo Mello bis ge Schoppornou" performed by Panergy steelorchestra from Telfs in Tirol - Austria www.panergy.at live recorded @ ...

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  • A beautiful arrangement. I am so happy imagining the sound in the mountains of Austria. Thanks and keep going, it is wonderful.

  • You guys keep on going on,,Respect.

  • thank u jerome !  greez from austria

  • My compliments to Panergy for their variation of music,,in deviating  from this is that this is a living example of how a Steelband can obtain a weekly gig at a Hotel such as the Hyatt ,Hilton, or a Restaurant,etc, by plating a Variety of music whereby guest ca sit and enjoy or get up and do the funky,,,,ah hope that meh Steelpan brothers and sisters  in T&T get where i,m coming from,,,,,sticking to one style and tempo would not be elegible for a gig at an International Hotel, music for relaxation and music for after a few beers, zegging and gyrating,,respect

  • Well done you guys & girls. It was wonderful.


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