Voice & Kes - Dear Promoter "2020 Soca"

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Title: Voice & Kes - Dear Promoter Description: There’s an energy and a joy that is intrinsic to my people. There is so much strength in our unity that we’re able to celebrate together in the midst of any struggle. People may think that we’re naive but we are just positive and refuse to let our circumstances define the way we live. Carnival is a microcosm. You look at one fete and see so many different walks of life, so many races, religions and cultures moving together to the same beat. It’s a vibe. It’s intangible but it’s something we all feel and know. It is carefree but it is empathetic. It is indifference but it is also love. We can’t explain it. It’s just who we are as a people...Caribbean People! Written by: Aaron “Voice” St Louis Produced by: Captain John Mixed and Mastered by: Precision Productions Live Guitars by: Dwight Florent Bass by: Keron Charles Live Drums by: Gerion Williams

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  • Nice but missing something that is truly Trinbagonian. Unique to T&T that started the vibes and played with little promoters inputs. Any guess what it is. They keep keeping it back again and again. Time to put it back into the carnival music. There is also sufficient electronic technology as well to do it now. It can be recorded live and played on the stage electronically now for better decibels.

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