WAIWAI STEEL BAND - Pan For Carnival (musica da Leda, 2013.4.4)

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紅月ノリコのmusica da Leda 毎週木曜22時〜吉祥寺スタジオレダから生放送のUstream音楽番組。 ほぼ毎回ミュージシャンゲストをお呼びして、ゲストの方のライブを披露しています。

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  • Very good had a local flair

  • It is great to see people from other countries enjoy playing the steelpan. It reminds me of when I first played. In Trinidad and Tobago the opportunity is there to teach many more young people than it was a few years ago. Steel bands can capitalize on the opportunity by going to the schools in their community who were given steelpans through the Pan in the Classroom Unit and tutoring the young ones after school.

  • Pan is not in DANGER

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