Walk & Talk - Bedasse w. Calypso Quintet, Jamaica Mento early 50s

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An old 78RPM of mine. Walk & Talk - Bedasse singing with the Calypso Quintet on Kalypso Records XX01. Jamaica Mento Music from the early 50's. Alerth Bedasse & Everard Williams were street performers down by Coronation Market in Kingstown Jamaica when Everard composed this & Night Food in 1952. Noone would record Night Food as it was seen as too suggestive at the time. Finally a guy named Stanford recorded it and it sold like widfire. Then Mr Chin picked it up & it was the 1st record on his Kalypso Record label. This Mento music predates bluebeat & ska. Many years later Nora Dean covered Night Food. Upload for fair use and educational purposes only.

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  • Thanks !

  • Real Kaiso. I enjoyed the lyrics and the sax solo.Keep up the good work When Steel Talks.
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